How are you? (2)

In my last muse on James chapter 5, (see here), it struck me that he was asking his readers the question - “How are you?” It was worded differently than that, but it’s the way it came to me. It was actually three questions. The first one - “Are you in trouble?” The second - “Are you happy?” And the third - “Are you sick?” They were obviously rhetorical as no-one was expected to give an immediate answer. But James does answer each with simple, but profound wisdom. …If you’re in trouble, then pray. If you’re happy, then praise, and if you’re sick, call for the church elders and they’ll pray with you. …Here’s the text:

James 5:13-14 NIV [13] Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. [14] Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.

Yesterday in my devotion I thought about the first, this morning I considered the second. And when I did, it was something of a revelation to me. I realised that responding in praise to God for times of happiness is something I don’t do, …or I certainly don’t do often enough. I stopped and thought about the circumstances and the people that contribute to my happiness and I recognised that more often than not I’ve failed to give praise to God for them. 

What about you? Do you fall into this trap as well? To check if you do, let me ask you the same question I’ve asked myself? …I’m happy when _____________! How would you fill in the blank? Is it …I’m happy when Liverpool win! …Or maybe it’s when they don’t win! …I’m happy when things are going well at work! …when I’m on my holidays! …sitting down to a meal with my family! …when my grandchildren visit! …when I’m out for a run! …It could be a million different responses, and each one is a reason to praise God. 

Think about it. It is God who gives us the capacity to build meaningful relationships, the health and strength to engage in different pursuits, the ability to find joy in the many spheres of life. If that’s time spent with family or friends - praise Him for they’re a gift from God. If it’s walking in the Mournes, (or any other physical exercise), praise Him, it’s He who gives the health to do so. Even if it’s the fun we have in seeing our football team win - that too is a reason to praise Him. Surely it is God who blesses us with interests and hobbies. 

The Christian should see life differently, because they recognise that the sovereign hand of an Almighty God exists in every sphere of life. Paul taught that “In Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28). That is why he could tell us to:

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV [18] give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

…So are you happy …then sing praise to God. Lets pray.

Heavenly Father thank you for your abundant blessings upon my life. The greatest of all is the Person of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. I should turn to you in thanksgiving and praise far, far more than I do. Forgive me for being such a grouch and help me to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Amen.


How are you? (3)


How are you? (1)