Mark 16 - The Angel’s Message - 20/09/20
Mark 15:21-41 - Jesus Before The Witnesses To His Death - 13/09/20
Mark 15:1-15 - Jesus Before Pilate - 06/09/20
Mark 14:43-65 - Jesus Before The Sanhedrin - 30/08/20
Mark 14:32-42 - Jesus Before The Father - 23/08/20
Mark 14: 26-31 & 66-72 - Peter’s Denials - 16/08/20
Mark 14:22-25 - The Last Supper - 09/08/20
Mark 14:1-11 - Beauty Between Beasts - 02/08/20
Mark 13 - Waiting For the Lord’s Return - 26/07/20
Mark 12:41-44 - The Widows Offering - 19/07/20
Mark 12:28-34 - The Best Question to Jesus - 12/07/20
Mark 12:18-33 - The Sadducees’ Question to Jesus - 05/07/20
Mark 12:12-16 - Pharisees’ Question to Jesus - 28/06/20
Mark 12:1-11 - Parable of the Tenants - 14/06/20
Mark 11:12-18 - Cleansing the Temple - 07/06/20
Mark 10:46-52 - Blind Bartimaeus - 31/05/20
Mark 10:35-45 - Changing How We Think - 24/05/2020
Mark 10:17-31 - The Rich and the Kingdom - 17/05/2020
Mark 10:1-12 - Divorce and Remarriage - 10/05/20
Mark 9:42-50 - Lesson on Purity - 03/04/20
Mark 9:30-41 - Marks of Humility - 26/04/20
Mark 9:14-29 - The Imperative of Faith - 19/04/20
Mark 15:42-16:8 - Easter Sunday Service - 12/04/20
Matthew 31:50 - Holy Week Devotional, Good Friday - 10/04/20
Mark 14:12-31 - Holy Week Devotional, Maundy Thursday - 09/04/20
Mark 14:3-11 - Holy Week Devotional, Judas Betrayal - 08/04/20
Mark 12:28-34 - Holy Week Devotional, Questions To Jesus - 07/04/20
Mark 11:12-33 - Holy Week Devotional, The Cursing of The Fig Tree - 06/04/20
Mark 11:1-11 - The Triumphal Entry - 05/04/20
Mark 9:1-13 - The Glorified Jesus - 29/03/20
Mark 8:27-30 - Confessing Christ - 22/03/20