“Wrong Way, Turn Back.”

There’s a road sign I’ve seen on some dual carriageways. It’s always placed near a junction and can only be read from the opposite flow of traffic - that is you’d have to stop the car, get out, and look back to see what it says. What does it say? …“Wrong Way, Turn Back.” Its placed a few meters from the exit of the carriageway, for those who mistake it for an entry. …To ignore it, and keep on travelling, sooner or later there’ll be a crash. 

In chapter 4 of James he is flagging a “Wrong Way, Turn Back” warning to Christians who’re making their way down what will prove to be a dangerous road. These Believers have made themselves at home in the world. They’ve tasted it, and are wanting more - coveting what others have, prepared to quarrel and fight to get it. There’s an absence of humility, replaced by inner pride and outer arrogance They’re very quickly being caught up in society’s sins and having fun doing so. There’s laughter, joy, excitement on this road. “No sign of danger here!” …“But you’re going the wrong way,” James tells them, “turn around, and go the opposite direction.” Here’s what he actually writes:

James 4:9-10 NIV [9] Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. [10] Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Mourning for sin, being truly upset at it, (wailing), humbling ourselves before God are marks of the truly repentant. Those who do have a “godly sorrow” for their sin. Godly sorrow, (2 Corinthians 7:10-11), also translated “godly grief,” is an acute sense of sadness we experience as a result of the sins we have committed. And when this type of sorrow is seen in a once wayward life, it is evidence that they’ve read the warning signs, recognised the dangerous road they’re on, and are in the process of turning back towards their Saviour. 

…And waiting for those who do, is not rebuke from the Saviour but comfort. Jesus taught:

Matthew 5:4 NIV [4] Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

James affirms this - those who humble themselves will be lifted up.

…What path have you been on recently? Have there been disregarded warning signs along the way - an ignored conviction that you’re on the wrong road? Are you burying a conscience under the fun that you’re pursuing. James would tell us that we need to heed the warning signs before it’s too late.

…Do you need to get back to church? Do you need to cauterise a besetting sin? Do you need to end a relationship that’s only going to lead you into compromise? Where do you need to stop, turn around and read the sign - “Wrong Way, Turn Back.” …Lets pray. 

Lord Jesus I thank you for the grace given to us in repentance - to turn us from our sins and point us to the Saviour. Help me to heed the warning signs that flash in my conscience and to be truly sorry for my sins. Amen. 


Seat Swapping.


‘Hands. Face. Space’