Serious Sin …Amazing Grace!
James 4:4-6 NIV [4] You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. [5] Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us ? [6] But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble.”
…Reading this passage today has helped me see two things afresh: one - how God sees the Christian’s sin and two - how God treats the Christian’s sin.
How God sees the Christian’s sin - “Spiritual Adultery:” In ministry over the years I’ve witnessed the hurt and subsequent damage to lives that’s caused by the sin of adultery. That’s the seriousness which is spelt out in my reading today. …You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God?
…In the verses prior to this passage James calls out the sin of covetousness in Christians, well here he allows Christians to see that sin as our Lord sees it. …It’s “spiritual adultery.” Where a Christian chooses to chase and want what the world loves, it’s an act of ultimate betrayal.
The Believers friendship with the world, (loving what is sinful), means making an enemy of God. These are strong words, but understandable. Just as a spouse is jealous for exclusivity in their marriage so too God is jealous for our faithfulness. After all He gave up everything so we could be His.
Prayer - O Lord forgive my sins, and may this wayward heart of mine be increasingly yours.
How God treats the Christian’s sin - with more grace. That’s the second truth I saw - God’s wonderful grace. …All too often adultery is a wrecking ball to the family unit. All relationships are affected. In most cases very little is left in its aftermath. …But not so with God. Verse 6 says …“But he gives us more grace.” In the aftermath of the Christian’s betrayal, incredibly God extends the offer of friendship. Indeed providing the grace and help to restore that relationship. …That is if we’re contrite and willing to confess the unfaithfulness of our hearts. …It’s grace, but not “cheap grace.” If we’re proud and persist on that path, we make Him our enemy instead of a friend. What wonderful mercy in the face of wanton betrayal. How great is our God.
Have you been away from God? Are you as a Christian on a path that making your heart warm towards the world, but cold towards God. Here’s what James would tell us - your sin is more serious than you think, but His mercy is greater than you could imagine. …Be humble and turn back to Him, for you belong to Him. He is jealous for you in the same way as marriage partners are jealous for each other.
Prayer - O Lord help me to keep short accounts with you - confessing my sin and turning in repentance toward you. Amen.
Perhaps you could listen to this hymn and reflect on the depth of God’s love for the Christian.