The Golden Rule!

I’m sure we’ve all heard of the Golden Rule. It says: “treat others as you would like them to treat you.” It’s not a bad one to remember, but here’s a better one - “treat others as God has treated you.” It’s better because it’s biblical. It’s what James tells us in chapter 2:12-13. Here’s what he says:

James 2:12-13 [12] Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, [13] because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Christians have encountered a God who has shown them mercy, given them freedom. And as we encounter people, (perhaps difficult people, enemies even), He wants us to show the same grace. …Our speech and actions towards others are to reflect His mercy shown to us. 

It puts me in mind of the Parable of the Unmerciful Slave (Matthew 18:21-35). The slave owed his master an immense sum - money he couldn’t repay. Pleading for mercy, his master wrote off the whole sum - the man went free. However he was owed a small sum by a fellow slave. He pleaded for mercy. But instead of showing mercy the man acted in judgement. Demanding the money, he had him thrown in prison until he could pay it. His speech and actions did not reflect the mercy shown to him. And as a result, (Jesus taught in the parable), the mercy given will be withdrawn. James puts it well - “judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.” 

Do you have an opponent, an enemy, a difficult person in your life? How do you speak to them? How do you act towards them? The message of the reading today reminds the Christian that we’re to speak and act with mercy in mind. We’re to show grace and kindness because far greater grace and kindness has been shown to us. …Lets pray.

Heavenly Father thank you for the mercy you’ve shown to me. All my sins have been forgiven and as a result my life has been transformed. And so help me to treat others as you’ve treated me. Amen


Works and faith


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