Guilty your Honour!

Several years ago I was summoned to appear in court for committing a driving offence. (This was in the days before speeding points and on the spot fines were issued). In a momentary lapse of concentration I had crossed the white line. Unfortunately, (for me that is), the police who just happened to be travelling the opposite way, had to swerve to avoid me. They did a U turn, blue lighted and gave chase. After I was pulled over, they booked me. 

On my court date, and in my best suit, I stood trembling before the judge. I pleaded guilty and got a £5.00 fine. I had broken the law and sentence was duly passed. It didn’t matter that I’d a perfect driving record up to that point - I was now a lawbreaker. …It’s the point James makes in chapter 2:10-11

James 2:10-11 [10] For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. [11] For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” also said, “You shall not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

The truth is when it comes to God’s moral law, (whether it’s murder, adultery or some other misdemeanour), we’re all lawbreakers. The law of God is broken in the heart long before it gets to the hand (Matthew 5:21-28). None of us has kept them, all of us have broken them. Admittedly some more than others, but however we’ve broken God’s law, it adds up the the same thing - we’re guilty before Almighty God who’s obliged to pass sentence. 

…Except He doesn’t, or to be accurate - He doesn’t pass sentence on the guilty. Incredibly it’s the innocent He judges. Jesus Christ was the only person who fully kept God’s law. He was fully righteous. He was without sin. His life was perfect because He flawlessly kept God’s law. However this innocent Man was judged by God as a sinner. That’s what the cross was all about - it was the full force of the Father’s wrath upon sin. 

And that’s why sinful, judgement-bound, guilty people like me can be considered righteous before a holy God. He bore my/our punishment - the innocent in place of the guilty. 

If you’re a Christian take a moment to stop and thank Him for taking your place before the judgement seat of Almighty God. …If you’re reading this and you’re not a Christian, then, (in prayer), ask Jesus to take your place as well. He will …it’s why He died. Perhaps you could pray

Heavenly Father I thank you for sending Jesus to pay the price for my sin. Today I accept Him as my Substitute. Lord Jesus I give you all my sins, my failures, everything that loads me with guilt and fills me with shame. And in return I accept from you cleansing and ask you to fill me with your righteousness. Give me the power to live a life that is pleasing to you. Amen


The Golden Rule!


Who is our neighbour?